Fugitive Recovery Capture Stories

Sometimes Fugitives Can Be Real Pieces Of Shit When People Try To Help Them

I;m going to put up my most recent capture once again. It occured on 6/04/08 at about 4pm.

This one was a low bond and the co-signer actually had already paid his bond to us, so we were not out any money. However, I did really hunt him hard to save the co-signer her money.

I have a lot of respect for someone when they come in and pay the bond after the person has skipped court. When people do that, it’s a sign of a very responsible person. Most people will tell you to go to hell, or something of that nature. So, since this lady lost a thousand dollars because this idiot can’t go to court, I decided to go into full force bountyhunting mode and get her most of her money back.

I had really stirred up the neighborhood and his family for about 3 or 4 days and put lots of pressure on him. He and his girlfriend were allegedly homeless somewhere in the area. I went to his parents house on June 2nd… and his step-dad said that the fugitive does not come around there when he is home. He said “if u see my car ..he’s not here.

I didn’t believe a SINGLE word of anything he said. I know a liar when I see one. So I set up in a nearby location and watch his parents house. Not more than 30 mins after I left his parents, I see the step-dad come out of the mobile home and walk across the street and stop and talk to some people in a back corner of a local bars’ parking lot. Me and another agent pull up in the parking lot and there’s the target in all is glory. I told you the stepdad was full of it!!

The target got up and began to run like the wind. He had approx. a 40 yard head start. I quickly gained about 30 of that back and was on his tail. Unfortunetly, the fugitive ran into a swampy type field where the weeds were up to our necks. The ground was also VERY hilly .. so fearing breaking an ankle or suffering an injury I decided to call the chase off.

Sometimes you have to know when to stop. You don’t win all the battles but as long as you win the war your good.

So on June 4th, 2008 I located the fugitive in an RV with some friends. I called the local police and a deputy and I approached. When we looked in through the screen door of the RV there he was!!

He was taken into custody at tazer point and was EXTREMELY hostile towards me. The deputy also didn’t want to transport him, so we called a transport van in. He was probably upset that his warrant has a zero bond on it, which means you go to jail and can’t get out. Poor fella..lol..

That’s what you get for screwing over people when they try to help you out. His own mother told me she was a bail agent for 20 years and she wouldn’t even bond him out. Then, the co-signer is nice enough to bond him out when his mother wouldn’t, and the guy skips out on her.. what a piece of shit. Total bond recovered was $1,000.


Bounty Hunter For Hire
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